We are inviting all the significant male figures in our students' lives to join us for a "Donuts with Dudes" event, celebrating St. Joseph, on March 19th from 8:00-8:45am. This event is an opportunity for our students to share a special moment with the important men in their lives, whether they be fathers, grandfathers, uncles, mentors, or other father figures. We look forward to seeing you! Please click here for the RSVP. https://forms.gle/tVhbrwEXcwLouAZp8
11 months ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
Third grade students shared their fun fiction writing about being trapped in a snow globe to their peers!
11 months ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
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St. Mark School
Preschool students had a fantastic time today on Dino Day!
11 months ago, Andrea Whitten
St. Mark School
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St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
Our preschool students held their St. Jude Trike-A-Thon last week. Thank you to all who participated and helped to raise over $4,000 for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. The children learned about bike and trike safety and had the chance to practice the lessons!
11 months ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
What a difference a day makes! Yesterday, we had a warm, sunny day with lots of classes spending time outside and today is quite cold. That sneak peak of spring was just what we needed!
11 months ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
Please join us for our SMS Fine Art Fair on Saturday, March 9th! We will have the gym completely covered in art from the students, as well as have a performance from our choir and a sneak preview of the musical, Into the Woods!
11 months ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
Next week, we will have fun celebrating Read Across America Week! Here is the schedule for the week. Please note that Thursday is an Early Dismissal day, there is no school Friday and our SMS Fine Art Fair is Saturday night!
11 months ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
Thanks to Ag in the Classroom, our 3rd and 4th grade students had the chance to spend time with this sweet lamb! What a fun experience!
11 months ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
The kindergarten students wrote, illustrated and presented on their favorite story. Way to go, Marksmen!
11 months ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
Spread the word far and wide! This is a great opportunity to make community raised funds that can directly impact our students and their future success! Anyone who shops at Barnes and Nobles that day can participate with a copy of the flyer, at no extra cost to them.
11 months ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
Tomorrow is a SMS Spirit day but still a full day of school!
12 months ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
St. Mark’s Cub Scouts joined boys and girls from across the Diocese for an All-Scouts Mass at St Mary's Cathedral on Sunday, February 11th, celebrated by Bishop Tylka. The boys received a special patch for attending the Mass. What a beautiful Mass.
12 months ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
Don't forget, no school tomorrow and Monday! We will see you on Tuesday, February 20th!
12 months ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
Congrats to our 5th and 6th grade girls' volleyball team for ending their season with a win! Thanks to our coaches Mrs. Bickel and Ms. Leitner for taking the lead this year too!
12 months ago, St. Mark's School
Thank you to our friends at SVdP who went out of their way to include our girls in their 8th grade recognition night. We appreciate your kindness and generosity! We wish you the best in the remainder of your season. Good luck!
12 months ago, Noreen Dillon
Merciful God, you called us forth from the dust of the earth; you claimed us for Christ in the waters of baptism. Look upon us as we enter these forty days bearing the mark of ashes, and bless the journey through the desert of Lent to the font of rebirth.
12 months ago, St. Mark's School
Celebrating opportunities in our community- A special thanks to Ms. Revallo for helping with the Illinois Math Academy’s Math Bowl held at Bradley University this past weekend. Congrats to our students for their great participation in their grade levels! Nicholas Heathcoat - 1st place Math Sprint Round Will Slott - 1st place Math Target Round & 1st place Math Challengers Team Round Sam McGill - 2nd place Mental Math Round Dr. Dillon also had the opportunity to attend the Regional Office of Education’s Community Symposium. It was an awesome event for connecting and collaborating with so many amazing educators and resources in our area. She is pictured here with Sonya Pacey who now works with the ROE, but once upon time was one of Dr. Dillon’s students at Bradley.
12 months ago, St. Mark's School
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We are celebrating Valentine's Day tomorrow due to Ash Wednesday on the 14th. It's a Friendship Spirit Day, so feel free to get dressed up in your Valentine's best!
12 months ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
During Catholic Schools Week, our students dressed up in their future "dream jobs" . It's a fun and educational way for students to engage with their faith and explore potential career paths.
12 months ago, St. Mark's School
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We celebrated Terry Mischler's 25th Anniversary of service to St. Mark School and Parish. We are so blessed to have her dedication to education, leadership, and commitment to the values of our Catholic faith. She has definitely left a mark on the lives of countless students and colleagues.
12 months ago, St. Mark's School
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