Happy Thanksgiving to all our Marksmen, past, present, and future!
Our school is hosting a Toy Drive to benefit the Catholic Charities and we would love your support. As you start shopping and seeing sales and deals, consider donating a toy to the drive and help to make a child's Christmas a little brighter!
This morning, Monsignor Brownsey celebrated Mass with the students. After, he spent time sharing in depth about the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and how to be present with the Lord and focus on actively listening to His word through prayer.
The 6th graders enjoyed building their own operation game, learned how to partially code a website, and explored body systems in VR at the JUMP Center! Thank you, Sr. Pieta and the JUMP Trading Simulation, for having us!
At the end of the assembly celebrating Dr. Dillon on Catholic Principal Appreciation Day, the students begged Monsignor Brownsey to shoot a basket! The cheers were resounding when he made the shot!
We celebrated Dr. Dillon yesterday but we are thankful for her leadership and service everyday! She was surprised with a standing ovation of cheers from students and staff, a blessing from Monsignor and gifts from the students to show their appreciation.
Proud to be Marksmen! #makeyourmark
SMS middle school students went to #BradleyUniversity to participate in the Parade of Flags on Monday. This event celebrates International Education Week and is a great opportunity for the students.
Preschool got to head out today and enjoy the fresh first snow!
Congrats to our PND Boys Soccer team on their 5th State Championship! We loved getting to cheer and celebrate with you today! Special shoutout to our SMS Alums, Dominic Taylor, Gabe Arrellano, and Brayden Lehman. #alwaysamarksman
Our St. Mark Lego League members had a great time at the scrimmage this past weekend! Thanks to Mr. Rudolfi for the pictures and all the coaches who pour so much into our students!
Thank you so much, Dr. Campbell!
Using different acids and bases, Dr. Campbell shared lots of color changing experiments with preschool. He also explained solids, liquids, and gasses, did a sink and float experiment and exploded mini rockets using alka seltzer, water and film canisters.
Our preschool class had a fun science experience thanks to Dr. Campbell and his Demonstration Crew from #BradleyUniversity. He made science exciting, easy to understand and accessible for the preschool students. Their rapt faces show it all! #stmarkscientists
For Veteran's Day today, our 3rd and 4th grade students had the opportunity to Zoom with Staff Sergeant Michael Winterbaur.
Student Council's Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive is next week. Students can bring items in the morning & put them in the boxes on the bleachers. Students who donate can enter a drawing to win a handwoven basket from Women Weaving Hope, a Kitui Weaving Project!
St. Mark students in sixth grade looked at the artwork of Georgia O'Keefe and created poppies for Veteran’s Day using chalk pastels.
Thank you to Brad Slott and Eric Hultgren for their help making today such a memorable experience for the students. A special thanks to Bob Ripp and Bob DeSutter, for their service and dedication to our country as Veterans.
We started Veteran's Day with Mass followed by a school wide Flag Raising ceremony. Will Slott led us in a prayer as Tommy Diaz and the first grade Scouts, as the Color Guard, raised the American Flag. We concluded with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Preschool pajama day!