For the 2023-24 school year, ALL St. Mark students will receive free lunch and breakfasts! Cold lunch students can either purchase a milk for 50 cents or they can supplement their cold lunch for free by selecting a milk, a fruit or veggie and one other item.
We are canceling our volunteer appreciation party and plan to reschedule. So many of you replied that you were out of town, at baseball tournaments or busy that we felt it was best to cancel! We will let you know about an updated time. And keep enjoying your summer!
The school has been busy this week as we host Totus Tuus for our parish and school families. From the looks of it, everyone seems to be enjoying time with friends and companionship on the faith journey!
We have new yard signs available in the school office if you'd like to help get the word out about SMS! The office is open Tuesday through Thursday from 8-12.
Happy Father's Day! We celebrate and honor all the Fathers in our lives and we hope for a day full of joy for you all. We pray that you can be guided by the example of Our Heavenly Father and St. Joseph.
Calling all SMS Parent School Association Volunteers! We are celebrating YOU and want to thank you for the work you put in last year, supporting our students, families and staff. If you helped at or donated to any PSA event or came to a meeting, we'd love to see you there!
Peoria Notre Dame hosted a kids cheer camp last week and these Marksmen had a blast! We love seeing our friends' faces over the summer!
Save the date! Our PSA is hosting a Uniform Sale at the end of summer, just in time for school! Don't forget to do a check of your closets for all uniforms that no longer fit the Marksmen in your life and drop them off at the school or rectory.
Come check out what St. Mark's School has to offer and become a part of an amazing TEAM!
What a year we have had! We are proud of all of you for your hard work and perseverance. Remember as you head out for summer, stay close to Christ!
Who's ready for summer? Thinking of days spent in the sun, playing and exploring outside, eating watermelon and popsicles and getting sticky, catching fireflies and digging for worms, reading books and eating a picnic lunch! We hope your summer is full of the best things!
It's Y Day in first grade so it's a celebration of YOU!
6th grade ended the year by making posters on the Greek city-states, Athens and Sparta!
Field Day Fun Part 3!
Field Day Fun 2023 Part 2!
Field Day Fun 2023!
Q is for Quiet Reading! Kindergarten students brought a blanket, stuffed animal & pillow to use during the day for Quiet Reading. Part of our day was to read “The Runaway Bunny” & complete a directed drawing of the bunny & his mother & draw their favorite part of the story!
Congratulations to Mrs. Gilbert! She has worked with dedication and perseverance to achieve this recognition and she will continue to offer invaluable support and services to our diverse community of learners! We are proud of you, Laurie!👏🏻🎉
Kindergarten students had an awesome experience with their classroom takeover- Safari!
The fourth students completed some VERY creative math board games! I'm blown away by their ideas and talent. They will keep them at school for a couple days so everyone has plenty of time to play everyone's game.