As we wake on Good Friday, we reflect on Christ's love. What the witnesses saw on that seemingly hopeless day looked like the end, it was the beginning; they saw death but we know it was life; what looked like failure was victory; darkness gave way to light and despair to hope.
almost 2 years ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
Jesus shows what it means to be a servant leader in the washing of the feet of the apostles at the last supper. In the act of washing their feet, Jesus shows us that the basic identity of all in service, is that we are equal in dignity, united amid diversity.
almost 2 years ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
The SMS 8th grade students wrote and performed Living Stations of the Cross for our school today in preparation for the holy Triduum. They concluded the Stations with the Divine Mercy Chaplet. They did a beautiful job acting out Christ's final days and gave us time to reflect.
almost 2 years ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
Preschool students are preparing to celebrate Easter on Sunday. Today, they painted eggs with liquid watercolors.
almost 2 years ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
Don't forget to order your yearbooks! The link was in Friday's Marksmen Memo!
almost 2 years ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
Our students participated in the Day of Grace last week. Mass was celebrated and then they processed from our church down to Bradley University, where Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament was held all day long.
almost 2 years ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
Our preschool classes have been learning all about animals these past 2 weeks and ended the unit with a visit to the Peoria Zoo! The students loved seeing the different animals and having a picnic lunch.
almost 2 years ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
Here's the link to our online auction catalog! Bid often and frequently!
almost 2 years ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
Third Grade artists painted watercolor paper in a design of their choice. That art was then cut into feathers to create this collage of angel wings. Bid on it now!!
almost 2 years ago, St. Mark's School
St. mark school
The first graders art project for the auction tonight was individually painted hearts. As they painted, their inspiration ranged from Notre Dame to Jesus's life and death, to their families. Bid on it tonight online!
almost 2 years ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
The kindergarten students made this gorgeous art project that is up for bid tonight!
almost 2 years ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
Miss Freeman is hosting a cheer clinic for your future cheerleaders and it's a great opportunity to learn some fundamentals of cheer while having a blast with your friends! Fifteen signup spots available tomorrow night at our SMS Auction!
almost 2 years ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
Do you have a basketball player on your hands? Dr. Dillon's sons, all 3 fantastic basketball players, are hosting a basketball clinic for SMS students & it's sure to be an awesome experience for the bball player in your life! Sign up at the SMS Auction or online tomorrow night.
almost 2 years ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
Congratulations to our SMS Alums who were inducted into the National Honor Society today at Peoria Notre Dame! We are proud of you!
almost 2 years ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
Mrs. Lucas and Miss Steinkonig are ready to party! They are hosting a Karaoke Dance Party and you will not want to miss it! Sign your singer or dancer up for this epic event where memories are just waiting to be made!
almost 2 years ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
Miss Schwindenhammer and Mrs. Whitten are hosting a Super Silly Slime Party that you can sign up for at the SMS Auction tomorrow! We know kids love slime and parents hate it, so send them to the party to make and play with slime to their hearts' content! It's a win for everyone!
almost 2 years ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
There are going to be some awesome experiences you can sign up for at the auction tomorrow hosted by our SMS teachers! First up is a hiking adventure with Mrs. Hultgren and Miss Revallo! Enjoy time with friends in the woods, hiking, exploring nature, and getting messy!
almost 2 years ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Today is MLB Opening Day and our students spent the day learning through baseball! Fourth grade coded ozobots in the shape of baseball diamonds in the STREAM Lab today.
almost 2 years ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
The preschool students painted homes for their collaborative art project available at our SMS Auction this Saturday! "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15
almost 2 years ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
Seventh grade students also got time to problem solve in the STREAM Lab. They created load bearing (🐻) roads and bridges and testing the different weights and strengths of each design.
almost 2 years ago, St. Mark's School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School
St. Mark School