School Calendar

Lunch Menu



Feb. 28th No School

Feb. 28th - Mar. 4th Read Across America Week (Flyer) 

March 1st Last day for Re-enrollment fee payment of $50 per family. Price increases to $75.

March 2nd Ash Wednesday- All School Mass  8:00 AM

March 3rd Early Dismissal/Spirit Day 12:30 Dismissal

March. 8th Vision and Hearing rescreening

March 9th 4th grade STEM day at PND

March 11th No School

March 12th St. Mark Auction 

March 17th No School 

March 18th No School- Region 1 In-service for staff

March 23rd 7th & 8th grade Confirmation at St. Mark’s Church


School families currently enrolled in St. Mark School must re-enroll annually for the next academic year and that (registration) process is now open.  See below for more detailed information regarding tuition assistance. 

To complete the enrollment packet:

·         Log into your ParentsWeb Account. (District code: SM-IL)

·         Select Apply/Enroll and then Enrollment/Re-enrollment   (on the left side of the screen)

·         Click on the “Click here to open Online Enrollment

·         You will be redirected to your enrollment packet, at that time select Start Application.

Feedback will be provided throughout the process to help you complete the enrollment packet. A yellow caution sign will appear in the menu next to forms that are missing required information. If a form contains all required information, a green check mark will appear next to the form's menu item.

You do not have to do anything in FACTS in your financial account  unless you want to change your bank/credit card information.  All your existing 2021-2022 tuition fee/payment plans will roll-over.  If any changes need to be made with your payment plan, please contact the office, at 676-7131. The 2022-2023 school year tuition payments will start in July. Depending on the date you choose it will either come out from your account on 5th or the 20th of the month.

FACTS has a one-time fee of $45.00 for a 12-installment payment plan and $20.00 for a 1 or 2 installment plan. This fee is billed and collected by FACTS.  You will have an option as to when this amount will be pulled from your account. 

After you have completed the enrollment packet, Submit Enrollment Packet and Make Payment form will appear. Please follow the instructions that will be provided to submit the enrollment packet along with the St. Mark enrollment fee payment of $50 per family if enrolling by March 1, 2022 or $75 thereafter.


Auction TIckets and Volunteer Sign Up

Auction tickets are going fast! We hope you can join us! We also need a lot of volunteers to pull off this event! At the link below, you can buy tickets or sign up for a 2-hour shift to volunteer. Thank you so much!

Dessert Dash!

Calling all you excellent bakers! We need your best desserts for our Dessert Dash in the St. Mark's Auction on March 12! Please click on the link below and let us know what you will be bringing!

Gift Cards

Help your student's class win a pizza party!  Please continue to send in gift cards of any amount $10 or more for the auction gift card pull.  Any monetary donations are appreciated and can be used towards purchasing gift cards through scrip.


Do you have any old class pictures from the past?  Do you have any fun travel photos of places you have been with your own family? The decorations committee is looking for your fun memories to add to the auction decor.  Feel free to share any photos via email to our school office at


As you may know, the Appellate Court for the 4th District issued a ruling on February 17, 2022 on the appeal of the Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) issued by the Sangamon County Circuit Court on February 4th concerning the so-called “mask mandate.” The Appellate Court denied the State’s appeal as moot because earlier this week, the Joint Commission on Administrative Rules (JCAR) did not extend the emergency rule implementing Executive Order 24 (Austin v. Pritzker, 2022 IL App (4th) 220090-U).


The TRO issued by the Sangamon County Circuit Court on February 4th restrained the State from ordering school districts to require:


·        a mask without a quarantine order,

·        tests of unvaccinated persons, and

·        exclusion of students or teachers for close contact.


Because of the Appellate Court’s ruling, none of the rules found by the Sangamon County Circuit Court to be null and void are currently in effect.


In light of these developments, the Office of Catholic Schools has determined the following:

1.      The wearing of masks in our Catholic schools by students, staff, and volunteers is optional, provided that social distancing of 3 ft. or greater is able to be maintained to the best of the school’s ability. 

2.     Unvaccinated staff members are no longer required to provide proof of weekly testing.

3.     Schools are no longer required to conduct contact tracing.

4.     Any student or staff member displaying symptoms of COVID shall be sent home. 

  •  To return to school, students and staff must have a negative COVID test result (home tests are not accepted).  If the COVID test is negative, they shall remain at home until they are symptom free for 24 hours.

  • Without a negative COVID test, students and staff must isolate at home for at least five days and a maximum of ten days, until symptom free for 24 hours.

  • Unless the student or staff member receives a negative COVID test, they must continue to wear a mask for 5 additional days after returning to school.

  •  COVID positive students and staff must quarantine for 10 days out of school if they do not wish to wear a mask upon their return.

  •  Athletes may resume participation in practices on Day 6 and competition on Day 11.

5.     Siblings of a COVID positive case no longer need to stay home as long as they remain symptom free.

6.     All students shall attend in-person learning unless they are excluded from school due to COVID mitigation procedures.

7.      Remote learning shall be made available for those students who are out of school due to COVID-related symptoms and/or a COVID positive test result.


“The superintendent has given approval for every diocesan school to schedule a “mental health day” for faculty/staff and students every month. That includes one day in February; one in March; one in April; and one in May. The days selected each month will be at the discretion of the pastor/chaplain and principal and will be communicated well in advance in order for families to make arrangements for their children who will be out of school. Furthermore, it will be a “free” day with no e-learning or remote learning. 

Dr. Sharon Weiss, Office of Catholic Schools, Diocese of Peoria”

The dates that we will NOT be in session:

February 28th

March 11th

April 14th (Holy Thursday)

May 27th (Note: Our last day of school will be a half day on May 26th)

We  appreciate your understanding and flexibility as we provide this much needed time for our students and staff. 


Students have the opportunity to design our 2021-2022 yearbook cover! Please find more information on the flyer. Our auction theme this year is Around the World, so a travel theme or Around the World theme is a BONUS! This is open for any student at SMS! 

If you have taken pictures at any events involving our students and would like to share them with Ms. Gilbert for use in the yearbook please email them to Please send them anytime throughout the school year until February 25, 2022. Thank you.


Congrats to all of our 8th grade girls and their teammates, coaches, and families on their last home game at SMS! Way to go!


Did you see us on the news?

Congratulations to our preschool friends! They were able to raise $5,697.59 for St. Jude! We are so proud of the effort that St. Mark families put into this event! 


Weather permitting, our students will have outdoor recess daily. Assuming other relevant conditions are conducive to outdoor recess, students will go outside when temperatures with wind-chill are 20 degrees or above. 

Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor recess daily. In addition, the school can be a bit chilly when the temperatures are much lower.  Also, we are opening windows in the rooms from time to time for air circulation.  


Eighth grade students are invited to experience a day in the life of a PND student by scheduling a shadow visit. Shadow visitors will have a chance to explore the PND campus, attend classes and lunch, and learn more about the activities that PND offers. Please visit to schedule your visit.


2021 Tax Documents for Tuition and Before/After Care are ready to be printed off in your FACTS Account. Hard copies of these documents are not sent home with your students. In order to print your tax documents please follow the instructions below. If you are looking for 2021 Church contributions, you will need to contact the parish office to receive that information. Login to FACTS SIS Parentsweb (formerly called Renweb Parentsweb)

2. Click on “Financial” on the left-hand side

3. Click on “Financial Home” on the right-hand side in the Financial Links box

4. Click on “View Details”

5. Click on “View Payment Summary” (please make sure that “2021” is the year selected)

6. To print off the tax information, click on the print icon at the top right corner


Financial assistance for St. Mark School Tuition is available from multiple sources for our K-8th grade students ONLY. 

* All applications open in January and are due April 29th *

1. The Invest in Kids Empower Illinois Tax Credit Scholarship

2. The John Lancaster Spalding Scholarship Fund and

3. The Kremer Foundation

4. St. Mark Parish

5. Legacy Scholarship

*Note: All families requesting ANY financial aid must complete the FACTS Grant & Aid Application at

1. The Invest in Kids Empower Illinois Tax Credit

The application for this scholarship is at Applicants must meet certain household

income criteria to be eligible. Application reservations opened on January 14, 2022. This is available only to K-8th grade students.

2. The John Lancaster Spalding Scholarship

This is an endowment fund established in honor of Archbishop Spalding, the first Bishop of Peoria.

Tuition assistance scholarship grants are available to students enrolled/intending to enroll in grades

Kindergarten through 12 in any Catholic school located in the Diocese of Peoria whose families are

members of a Catholic parish in the diocese.

3. The Kremer Foundation

This grant that is offered to St. Mark may have up to $1000 scholarships for St. Mark students entering

K-8th grade. Email Dr. Dillon at for more details on these opportunities.

4. St. Mark Parish Scholarship

Families must complete a FACTS Grant & Aid application and provide tax documents. You can submit a letter detailing additional assistance needed to be considered for assistance from St. Mark Parish.  This letter and documentation can be dropped off to the school office in a sealed envelope marked Tuition Assistance Committee.

5. Legacy Scholarship ( this for Pre-K students ONLY)

This newly approved incentive was approved by the Finance Council just this year. For families who have children in Pre-K AND any children in grades K-8th, a $1000 scholarship may be applied to your tuition. 

Step by Step instructions for FACTS Grant & Aid Application

1. Complete the application

2. Upload your 2021 federal income tax return and supporting schedules

3. Upload your 2021 W-2 Wage & Tax Statements

4. Pay the application fee

5. Submit the application as soon as possible

Assistance with your FACTS Grant & Aid Application is available online or call Customer Service 866-441-4637.

All scholarship grants are issued for one school year. Families must reapply annually for

consideration. Families are encouraged to apply as early as possible to ensure ample time to

gather and submit any required documents. Assistance will be based on need and completing all the required steps.For new families who apply after the deadlines above, you may still apply for St. Mark Parish Scholarship, but funds may be limited or possibly unavailable.

*Note: If you are awarded the Empower Illinois Scholarship or the Spalding Scholarship, your

aid from St. Mark will be adjusted. If you receive the Empower Illinois Scholarship your Spalding

Scholarship will be rescinded.


You can earn rebates for your SMS tuition by purchasing gift cards with our Scrip Fundraising Program. Create an account today and find gift cards for all of your favorite retailers- restaurants, gas stations, grocery stores, and more. We even have Scrip for local businesses! Use these cards for your daily purchases, and earn back year-round for your family’s tuition. Email Pat Nedza at with any questions.